

Equipment for testing CR injectors

Price: on request
CRUIS. Equipment for testing CR injectors

The CRUIS Equipment allows you to perform procedures related to testing and checking Common-Rail injectors from manufacturers such as Bosch, Denso, Delphi, VDO (Siemens), Cummins, AZPI, as well as HEUI Caterpillar unit injectors installed on diesel engines of light and medium-sized automobiles, including high-speed engines of cars and trucks, buses, agricultural machinery and tractors.

The software allows coding BOSCH isa / ima cod, Delphi C2i / C3i / C4i*, Denso, VDO Siemens injectors.
Stand working pressure up to 2400 bar.
The Equipment is produced with the following characteristics of the main drive:

  • CRUIS 4 kW 380 V,
  • CRUIS 5.5 kW 380 V,
  • CRUIS 4 kW 220 V

*Delphi C4i coding in CRUIS 5.5 kW 380 V
When installing additional equipment, the CASCADE program allows you to test HEUI unit injectors.

The Equipment has a low noise level.
When starting the high-pressure pump, its smooth spin-up is ensured due to the use of a Schneider frequency converter in the stand.

The design of the CR test stand and the elements of its equipment meet the requirements of international standards in terms of static and dynamic parameters of ISO 4008/1 and ISO 4008/2.

Test fluid of ISO 4113 standard is used as a working fluid in the stand. The high pressure source is a high pressure fuel pump (HFP), which is driven by an asynchronous motor 4 kW, 1500 rpm. As a booster pump, a gear pump is used, which is integrated into the injection pump housing and has the same drive.

For coding Delphi injectors, a device is used that allows creating a vacuum in the injector backflow line. The vacuum-creating device kit includes an electric-liquid pump, a Venturi tube with a tee, switching adapters and fittings with Teflon connecting tubes. The device is installed at the bottom of the stand next to the refrigeration unit. Also, in the working (test) area at the top right, a pressure gauge is installed that measures the vacuum with an electrovalve providing vacuum access to the nozzle. In this case, the vacuum is regulated by a throttle valve installed under the monitor on the left. When coding Delphi injectors in the CRUIS Equipment, a sensor is used that determines the injection start time.

For thermal stabilization of the test liquid in the tank, the following are used:

  • two radiators with forced air cooling for the backflow line from the injection pump and the backflow line from the pressure accumulator (rail).
  • independent refrigeration unit with air heat exchanger.
  • tubular electric heater 1000 W

Operating pressure up to 1800 bar. It is possible to increase the working pressure up to 2400 bar.
The Equipment has an electronic measurement system with the ability to check one nozzle.

The program with test plans is included in the package. Software updates that include new test plans are released twice a year and are provided free of charge.

Features and characteristics of the stand:

  • checking the 1st injector with simultaneous measurement of “supply” and “return” in two independent measuring modules
  • electronic measuring system
  • injector opening pulse frequency (60 – 1500 min-1);
  • injector opening pulse duration (100 – 3000 µs);
  • temperature control of the test liquid in the range of 0-100±1 deg.С
  • regulation of test fluid pressure in the range: 0 – 2400 bar with the possibility of increasing the pressure up to 2400 bar
  • electronic pressure measurement in the fuel pressure accumulator in the range: 0 – 2400 bar
  • temperature control of the test liquid at the injector
  • polycarbonate protective glass (h=10mm)
  • dimensions: width 1040, height 1700, depth 560 mm
Name Amount
1 *PC built-in with keyboard and monitor 1 set
2 *Software managing stand 1 set
3 *DL-CR50120 Selection valve for coding Delphi injectors 1 pc
4 **DL-24CRM Set of fittings for backflow of injectors CR 1 pc
5 **DL-CR50136 Return pressure valve for testing BOSCH solenoid injectors on the stand 1 pc
6 **D-0986612922 Return pressure valve for piezo injectors BOSCH 1 pc
7 **DL-CR50013 Universal adapter for cargo injectors CR 1 set
8 **DL-CR50140 Universal adapter for cargo injectors CR Denso, including Volvo 21952974 1 set
9 **DL-UNF20420L Set of sedimentation filters for testing injectors on the bench TriumF 1 set
10 **DL-UNI01792 Set of open-end spanners for the stand TriumF 1 set
11 **DL-HEUI0037 Equipment for testing unit injectors HEUI 1 set
12 Split bushings for fixing injectors with a diameter *17; 18,9; 19,2; 21; 21,4. 1 set
13 “Glass”-nozzle on the spray injectors Ø 9 mm 1 pc
14 Cable for connecting pressure regulators 1 pc
15 Cable for pressure sensor 2 pc
16 Universal injector cable 1 pc
17 Cable for injectors VDO Siemens Piezo 1 pc
18 Cable for injectors Delphi “type 1” 1 pc
19 Cable for injectors Delphi “type 2” 1 pc
20 Cable for injectors BOSCH “type 1” 1 pc
21 Cable for injectors BOSCH “type 2” 1 pc
22 Cable for cargo injectors “type 1” («fork») 1 pc
23 Cable for cargo injectors “type 2” 1 pc
24 TVD for injectors М14хМ14х400 mm 1 pc
25 DL-UNI50083 Adapter М14хМ12 mm 1 pc
26 Set of adapters for backflow of injectors 1 set
27 Set of fittings for backflow of injectors Denso 4 pc
28 Key to open stand doors 4 pc
29 Stand leg 4 pc

*installed on the test bench 


ATTENTION! Optional equipment is shown as an example and can be increased based on customer requirements.

Auxiliary equipment for testing CAR CR injectors
Article Name Use Image
DL-CR50177 Pressure valve for testing BOSCH piezo injectors Installed on the backflow nipple when testing BOSCH piezo injectors
Used when checking ..115, ..116, ..117 series injectors
DL-CR50407 Safety valve 8 bar, thread M8x1 Used when testing CR injection pumps
DL-CR50406 Return pressure valve, thread G 1/8″
For coding Delphi injectors
Installed in the injector feed line
DL-CR50120 Return pressure valve
For coding Delphi injectors
Installed in the injector feed line
DL-CR50210 Pressure valve for checking SIEMENS injectors Installed in the return flow line of the injectors
DL-CR50136 Pressure relief valve for testing electromagnetic injectors BOSCH Installed in the injector supply line
DL-МOK Check valve. Connection holes Ø 6 мmm X Ø 6 mm It is used when connecting Teflon tubes, provides one-way transmission of liquid.
DL-80CRM A set of fittings for measuring the return flow of fuel from the injectors FORD (Siemens VDO), FORD Transit (Siemens VDO), BOSCH Piezo, SIEMENS VDO, Denso, DELPHI, 0445110368 (BOSCH), 0445110550 (BOSCH)


Auxiliary equipment for testing CARGO CR injectors
Article Name Use Image
DL-ADS04021 Connector cable for 4-pin injector MB Actros, 4 pin For connect to Cruis and their analogues
DL-CR 50013 Universal adapter for truck injectors of CR  Bosch, Denso, Delphi Smart) to connect the supply and backflow with approach angles of 0⁰, 4⁰ and 13⁰. It is used both for testing nozzles on benches and when checking the spray part of nozzles on a hand press.
Truck injector test adapters Adapters for connecting and testing various types of Bosch, Delphi, Denso, Caterpillar injectors are presented in a wide range.


Auxiliary equipment for testing CR injectors
Article Name Use Image
DL-UNF20420R Set of pit filters for the injector testing on test bench Used when checking all types of injectors. Allow to separate shavings or other debris, excluding its entry into the stand measurement system
DL-ORV3 Coller for thermo control workbench RAIL Stable cooling of the pressure accumulator


Auxiliary equipment for testing HEUI unit injectors
Article Name Use Image
DL-HEU50221 Adapter for checking of unit injectors HEUI Caterpillar C7-C9 Caterpillar C7-C9
DL-HEU50223 Adapter for installing unit injectors HEUI CATERPILLAR 3126B, CATERPILLAR 3126E и FORD 1998-2003 DIESEL 7.3 FUEL INJECTOR 128-6601,AD1831489C1 (INTERNATIONAL)
DL-HEU31332 Lower housing for low pressure supply DL-HEU50221 / DL-HEU50223
DL-HEU50227 Protective screen with polycarbonate cover DL-HEU50221 / DL-HEU50223
DL-HEU50240 Set of hydraulic hoses and HPT 400mm 14x14mm DL-HEU50221 / DL-HEU50223
DL-HEU50219 Adapter holder with clamping bar for  test bench DL-HEU31332
DL-HEU50230 Cable for connecting the unit injector
DL-UNI50084 Elbow adapter М14х М12 cut 1,5mm


Spare parts and consumables for maintenance
Article Name Amount Image
Cleaning block The purification unit is designed to filter liquid vapors generated in the working compartment of equipment for testing fuel equipment. 1 pc
SRS Test liquid SRS Calibration Fluid CV 20 l
PDL 124 Fine filter (element) at 3 μm for CR-iXE, CRUIS) 1 pc
DL-UNF24020 Liquid cleaning filter for CR-JET , TRIUMF, CRUIS (draining from the workbench) 1 pc
DL-TVD High pressure pipe for test benches and equipment 1 pc
DL-UNI50083 Adapter  М14х М12(cut 1,5mm) 1 pc
DL-P1008 Teflon tube ⌀10mm Х 100mm 1 m
DL-P1006 Teflon tube ⌀8mm Х 100mm 1 m
DL-P1004 Teflon tube ⌀6mm Х 100mm 1 m
34-RWN-06X04 PVC tube ⌀6mm Х 100mm 1 m


Technical data

Rotational speed 0-1500 min-1
Main engine power 4 kW / *5,5 kW
Number of simultaneously tested injectors 1
Tank capacity 30 dm3
Supply voltage 3x400V/230V~ 50 Hz
Supply of valves in the measuring block of injectors 24 V
Injector opening pulse frequency 60 – 1500 min-1
Injector opening impulse duration 100 – 3000 ms
Test liquid temperature control in the tank in the range 0-100±1 degr.С
Test liquid temp. control for injector testing +
Electronic measurement of test liquid pressure in Rail in the range 0 – 2400±5bar
Test liquid pressure regulation in the range 0 – 2400±5bar
Number of measurements sensors in measuring unit injectors 2
Injector measuring unit measuring speed 0,01 l/min-0,5 l/min
Measurement error (car) 0,15 mm3 -85 mm3 no more than 1%
Measurement error (truck) 0,15 mm3 – 400 mm3 no more than 1,5%
Resulution of measuring unit ~ 0,1 мм3 /1 cycle (injection)
Cooler compressor power 800 W
Maximum current 23 A
Calibration Oil Heater Power 1000 W
Safety glass polycarbonate 10 mm
Dimentions W 1020, H  1610, D 520
Dimentions with package W  1200, H  1780, D 800
Weight 370 kg

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